An AUV / ROV competition for students all across
the globe.
Connecting the world's best STEM students with leading industry partners.

The competition will take place both in the open ocean and indoor pool, solving challenges like:
- Subsea docking to TAC Docking Station
- Pipeline inspection along an unknown route
- Detection of defined objects and images underwater
- Intervension and manipulation of subsea valves
- Navigation and positioning in subsea environment
- Autonomous vehicle behaviour
- Wireless communications and charging
Technical documentation for 2026 will be published. It will be similar to the technical documentation from 2024.
Technical documentation for 2024:
Other technical resources are available in the Info Folder.
07:00 Breaksfast
08:00 Bus departure from Vaulali to TAC
08:40 Morning Brief
09:00 Pool testing slots open
12:00 Lunch – Pool testing slots close
14:00 Pool testing slots open
16:00 Fist bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
17:00 Dinner is open at Vaulali
17:15 Last bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
18:00 Dinner closes at Vaulali
07:00 Breaksfast
08:00 Bus departure from Vaulali to TAC
08:40 Morning Brief
09:00 Pool testing slots open
12:00 Lunch – Pool testing slots are open during lunch
16:00 Fist bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
17:00 Dinner is open at Vaulali
17:15 Last bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
18:00 Dinner closes at Vaulali
07:00 Breaksfast
08:00 Bus departure from Vaulali to TAC
08:40 Morning Brief
09:00 Competition and conference starts
12:00 Lunch – Sea missions continue, but pool is closed
13:00 Conference ends and Team Presentations start
14:00 Pool missions continues
16:00 Fist bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
17:00 Dinner is open at Vaulali – All missions are finished for the day
17:15 Last bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
18:00 Dinner closes at Vaulali
07:00 Breaksfast
08:00 Bus departure from Vaulali to TAC
08:40 Morning Brief
09:00 Competition starts
10:00 Team Presentations start
12:00 Lunch – All missions continue, Teams Presentations are paused
13:00 Team presentations continue
16:00 Fist bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
17:00 Dinner is open at Vaulali – All missions are finished for the day
17:15 Last bus leaves from TAC to Vaulali
18:00 Dinner closes at Vauali
07:00 Breakfast
08:00 Bus departure from Vaulali to the Pulpit Rock hike
13:00 Bus departure from Pulpit Rock to Vaulali
14:00 Award Ceremony
16:00 TAC Challenge is over for 2024. See you next year!
Read the latest news
Whats happening around TAC Challenge?
Whats happening around TAC Challenge?